LRCCS Faculty in the Media - the Alibaba edition!
Nico Howson
Professor of Law
Michigan Law School
Alibaba’s IPO Puts VIE Structure in the Spotlight
by Gregory J. Millman, The Wall Street Journal, September 22, 2014
“The structure could be “the single biggest time bomb in the U.S. capital markets,” Professor Nicholas C. Howson of the University of Michigan law school warned in a 2012 speech.”
Linda Lim
Professor of Strategy
University of Michigan Ross School of Business
News Analysis: Experts urge rational judgment of investment in Alibaba, September 20, 2014
Investors have seen how other e-commerce companies like Amazon and eBay have grown rapidly and they do not expect Chinese consumers to behave differently from Americans and people in other countries, said Linda Lim, professor of strategy at Ross School of Business.
Xun "Brian" Wu
Sanford R. Robertson Assistant Professor of Strategy
University of Michigan Ross School of Business
Alibaba, set for U.S. IPO, delivering boost to China's parcel services
by Julie Makinen, The Los Angeles Times, September 19, 2014
“Was he brilliant, far-sighted or gambling? I believe he was gambling a bit — or maybe people are just fearless when they’re ignorant....”