Mary Gallagher Interviewed on Channel News Asia
Mary Gallagher
Director of LRCCS
Professor of Political Science
LRCCS Director Mary Gallagher was recently interviewed on Channel News Asia regarding the recent closing of the "Two meetings" ( 两会 ) - the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CCCPC) and National People's Congreess (NPC) sessions. The live segment aired on March 16th at 7:15am in Singapore.
Below is an excerpt from the interview, where Professor Gallagher summarizes some of the key issues raised during the two meetings:
“[The Chinese government] has these very big goals of urbanization, of innovation, of changing their economy, of stabilizing the financial sector, all while opening up their economy even more to the outside. So this is a dramatic time period, and it’s also a much more difficult international and domestic environment for it to do so.”